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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 159
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022The effects of varying pH and shading on antioxidant content-and -capacity of Tulbaghia violacea, cultivated hydroponically under greenhouse conditionsNcise, Wanga ; Daniels, Christiaan W. ; Etsassala, Ninon Geornest Eudes Ronauld ; Nchu, Felix 
2022Enhancement of distribution system protection through automatic network reconfigurationNtshiba, Sikho ; Krishnamurthy, Senthil 
2022Evaluation of the MPPT efficiency using solar array simulator (SAS) test standardMoussavou, Anges Akim Aminou ; Adonis, Marco Leroy ; Raji, Atanda Kamoru 
2022Exploring hydropower options at a wastewater treatment plant - a case studyDarries, Gassan ; Ayeleso, Ayokunle Oluwaseun ; Raji, Atanda Kamoru 
2022Digital implementation of an Auto-reclose protection scheme for a distribution systemNtshiba, Sikho ; Krishnamurthy, Senthil 
2022DC system based bottom up grid extension for rural communitiesGiraneza, Martial ; Aboalez, Khaled 
2022Applications, challenges and future trends towards enabling internet of things for smart energy systemsOrumwense, Efe Francis ; Abo-Al-Ez, Khaled Mohamed 
2022Analysis, design and implementation of a PLL synthesizer for a C-Band to L-Band downconverterfor a CubeSat receiver systemLeopold, Lilie Nalitye ; Bayendang, Nganyang Paul ; Balyan, Vipin 
2022A 2 MW grid-tied fuel cell inverter under a single loop control schemeLuta, Doudou Nanitamo ; Raji, Atanda Kamoru 
2021Characteristics of the asymmetric Stockbridge damperZondi, Zakhele ; Kaunda, Modify ; Ngonda, Tiyamike 
2019Effect of round orifice aspect ratio on nonnewtonian fluid discharge from tanksMohajane, Tsepang ; Khahledi, Morakane Charlotte ; Haldenwang, Rainer ; Fester, Veruscha G. ; Chhabra, Raj 
2018Success factors for the effective implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) in the maintenance of university buildingAkinlolu, Mariam ; Ndihokubwayo, Ruben ; Simpeh, Fredrick 
2019Importance level of post graduate student housing facility services: perceptions of studentsSimpeh, Fredrick ; Akinlolu, Mariam 
2018Here – come the sun tracking solar siphonsKanyarusoke, Kant E 
2018Using PCMs to store solar energyKilumbu, O. ; Gryzagoridis, Jasson 
2018Mathematical modelling and simulation of an inclined solar water desalination unitMyburgh, Jakobus ; Ismail, Fareed ; Nemraoui, Ouassini 
2018Forecasting net energy consumption of South Africa using Artificial Neural NetworkTartibu, L.K. ; Kabengele, K. T 
2017Mechanical engineering students’ perceptions of workplace mentoring: A case study at a South African University of TechnologyNgonda, Tiyamike ; Shaw, Corrinne ; Kloot, Bruce 
2018Solar water purifiers for small rural African homesteads: evaluation of alternative designsKanyarusoke, Kant E 
2018Biosurfactant producing metalloetallo-phenolic tolerant microbial consortia for nitrificationMpentshu Yolando Phelisa ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Mpongwana, Ncumisa 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 159