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Title: Phenylacetic acid co-crystals with acridine, caffeine, isonicotinamide and nicotinamide: Crystal structures, thermal analysis, FTIR spectroscopy and Hirshfeld surface analysis
Authors: Amombo Noa, Francoise M. 
Jacobs, Ayesha 
Keywords: Phenylacetic acid;co-crystals;caffeine;acridine;nicotinamide
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Elsevier
Source: Amombo Noa, F.M. & Jacobs, A. 2017. Phenylacetic acid co-crystals with acridine, caffeine, isonicotinamide and nicotinamide: Crystal structures, thermal analysis, FTIR spectroscopy and Hirshfeld surface analysis. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1139: 60-66. []
Journal: Journal of Molecular Structure 
Abstract: Co-crystals of phenylacetic acid (PAA) with acridine (ACR), caffeine (CAF), isonicotinamide (INM) and nicotinamide (NAM) have been successfully prepared and characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and Hirshfeld surface analysis. The ACR, INM and NAM cocrystals with PAA exhibit the carboxylic acid-pyridine heterosynthon. Furthermore the amide-amide supramolecular homosynthon is observed in the PAA co-crystals with INM and NAM as well as NeH/O interactions between the acid and the respective base. The CAF co-crystal exhibits hydrogen bonding between the imidazole nitrogen and the COOH group of the PAA. The compounds demonstrate different stoichiometries; for PAA·ACR and PAA·INM a 1:1 ratio is displayed, a 2:1 in 2PAA·CAF and a 2:2 in the case of 2PAA·2NAM.
ISSN: 0022-2860
Appears in Collections:Appsc - Journal Articles (DHET subsidised)

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