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Title: Teachers’ integration of instructional technology into curriculum delivery in disadvantaged communities: a case of Cape Flats schools in South Africa
Authors: Mdingi, Xolile 
Chigona, Agnes 
Keywords: Instructional technology;less affluent primary schools;curriculum delivery
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Source: Mdingi, X. & Chigona, A. 2021. Teachers’ integration of instructional technology into curriculum delivery in disadvantaged communities: a case of Cape Flats schools in South Africa. EdMedia + Innovate Learning. EdMedia + Innovate Learning, Waynesville, United States, 6-8 July. []
Conference: EdMedia + Innovate Learning 
Abstract: Despite the prevalence of a variety of instructional technology, not all teachers are fully equipped to take advantage of the immense benefits it posits. The study employed a qualitative research to explore the challenges affecting the integration and use of instructional technology for curriculum delivery by teachers in primary schools in the Cape Flats. Semi structured interviews and observations were used as data collection methods data. Analysis of the data collected shows that a lot of teachers in public schools in the Western Cape still face critical challenges in their attempt to fully integrate instructional technology for pedagogy. Challenges include lack of appropriate technology integration training, limited access to instructional technology, lack of technical support, and the theft of instructional technology resources.
Appears in Collections:Edu - Conference Proceedings

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