
Results 1-2 of 2 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12014Characterisation of thin solid Xe targetsKheswa, NY ; Papka, P ; Pineda-Vargas, C.A. ; Przybylowicz, W. J ; Steyn, G. F ; Madiba, T. E ; Sharpey-Shafer, J. F 
22009Enigmatic textures developed along plagioclase-augite grain boundaries at the base of the Main Zone, Northern Limb, Bushveld Complex – evidence for late stage melt infiltration into a nearly solidified crystal mushRoelofse, F ; Ashwal, L. D ; Pineda-Vargas, C.A. ; Przybylowicz, W. J 

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Przybylowicz, W. J
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