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Title: Public entrepreneurship: a recipe for improved service delivery in South Africa’s public sector
Authors: Ojugbele, Hammed Olabode 
Ogunlela, Oyebanjo 
Tengeh, Robertson Khan 
Keywords: Public entrepreneurship;Innovation;New venture creation;Entrepreneurs;Public institutions;South Africa
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Ferhat Topbas, Türkiye.
Source: Ojugbele, H. O., Ogunlela, O. & Tengeh, R. K. 2022. Public entrepreneurship: a recipe for improved service delivery in South Africa’s public sector. Focus on Research in Contemporary Economics (FORCE), 3(1): 191-213. []
Journal: FORCE: Focus on Research in Contemporary Economics 
Abstract: This paper aims to evaluate the potential role of public entrepreneurship in improving public sector service delivery in South Africa, with special emphasis on showing the practicability of public entrepreneurship despite the marked differences between the public and the private sector where entrepreneurship originates from. In other words, we are seeking to answer the question of how exactly can public entrepreneurship work in practice in South Africa and beyond? We attempted to answer this question in this paper through a rigorous review of public entrepreneurship and the exploration of a case study. We concluded and showed that public entrepreneurship is realisable with the right kind of leadership, institutional-wide entrepreneurial orientation and, of course, a bit of managerial flexibility. We went on to assert that entrepreneurship is innovation and not necessarily new venture creation. This is the primary component that is coveted in public entrepreneurship. However, there are vast places for other elements of entrepreneurship in the public sector.
ISSN: 2717-817X
Appears in Collections:BUS - Journal Articles (DHET subsidised)

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