
Results 1-6 of 6 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12013Understanding the process of learning touch-screen mobile applicationsTokárová, Lucia ; Weideman, Melius 
22013Towards supporting learnability of touch-screen mobile applicationsTokárová, Lucia ; Weideman, Melius 
32013Onboarding strategies for mobile applicationsTokárová, Lucia ; Weideman, Melius 
42013Investigation of the process of learning touch-screen mobile applicationsTokárová, Lucia ; Weideman, Melius 
52013Investigation of the process of learning touch-screen mobile applicationsTokárová, Lucia ; Weideman, Melius 
62013Investigation of the process of learning touch-screen mobile applicationsTokárová, Lucia ; Weideman, Melius