Browsing by Author Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 156  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Activity interactions of crude biopreservatives against spoilage yeast consortiaMewa-Ngongang, Maxwell ; Du Plessis, Heinrich W. ; Hlangwani, Edwin ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Chidi, Boredi Silas ; Hutchinson, Ucrecia Faith ; Jolly, Neil Paul 
2019Aeration, agitation and cell immobilization on Corncobs and Oak wood chips effects on balsamic-styled vinegar productionHutchinson, Ucrecia F. ; Gqozo, Sivuyile ; Jolly, Neil P. ; Chidi, Boredi Silas ; Du Plessis, Heinrich W. ; Mewa-Ngongang, Maxwell ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed 
2019Analysis of metals and persistent organic pollutants in ethyl acetate extract of Peltophorum africanumOkeleye, Benjamin Ifeoluwa ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Okudoh, Vincent Ifeanyi 
2019Analysis of the characteristics of poultry slaughterhouse wastewater (PSW) and its treatabilityNjoya, M ; Basitere, Moses ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed 
2018The application of ADM/ASM interface in sumo wide plant modelNdeba-Nganongo, L. A. N ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Szabolcs, S. ; Itoba-Tombo, Elie Fereche 
2016Application of aspergillus awamori grown on citrus peel supplemented growth medium for cyanide bioremediationDoughari, James Hamuel ; Santos, Bruno Alexandre Quistorp ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed 
2013Application of Citrus sinensis solid waste as a pseudo-catalyst for free cyanide conversion under alkaline conditionsSantos, Bruno Alexandre Quistorp ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Doughari, James Hamuel ; Muchatibaya, Gift 
May-2018Application of Diauxic Growth for Treatment of Total Nitrogen and Free Cyanide in Wastewater TreatmentMpongwana, Ncumisa ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Kanyenda, S.G 
2019Application of response surface methodology to optimize the COD removal efficiency of an EGSB reactor treating poultry slaughterhouse wastewaterWilliams, Y. ; Basitere, Moses ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Ngongang, Maxwell Mewa ; Njoya, M ; Kaskote, E. 
2021Assessment of an integrated and sustainable multistage system for the treatment of poultry slaughterhouse wastewaterDyosile, Phumeza Akhona ; Mdladla, Cebisa ; Njoya, Mahomet ; Basitere, Moses ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Kaskote, Ephraim 
2018Assessment of Pathogen Reduction Potential of an Anaerobic Digester containing Winery WastewaterOkudoh, Vincent Ifeanyi ; Okeleye, Benjamin I. ; Ngwe, Ronny. M ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed 
2-Jan-2018Avoiding the use of exhausted drinking water filters: a filter-clock based on rusting ironNdé-Tchoupé, A.I ; Lufingo, M ; Hu, R ; Gwenzi, W ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Noubactep, C ; Njau, KN 
2017Bacterial profiling of bacterial communities of a drinking water supply system (DWSS) in the arid Namaqualand region, South Africa: Source (lower Orange River) to point-of-use (O’kiep)Erdogan, Innocentia Gugulethu ; Moncho, T. ; Mekuto, Lukhanyo ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Fosso-Kankeu, E. ; Waanders, F 
2011Beneficiation of apple processing waste and wastewaterHorne, KA ; Jones, S ; Le Roes-Hill, Marilize ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Plaaitjies, J ; Mufweba-Hector, A ; Leoschut, S ; Hendry, B ; Burton, Stephanie Gail 
2018Bio-delipidation of dissolved air flotation pre-treated poultry slaughterhouse wastewaterMbulawa, Siyasanga ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Basitere, Moses ; Mpentshu, YP ; Dlangamandla, C ; Chidi, Boredi Silas 
2020Bio-kinetics of simultaneous nitrification and aerobic denitrification (snad) by a cyanide- degrading bacterium under cyanide-laden conditionsMpongwana, Ncumisa ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Omodanisi, Elizabeth Ife ; Chidi, Boredi Silas ; Razanamahandry, Lovasoa Christine ; Dlangamandla, Cynthia ; Mukandi, Melody Ruvimbo 
2013Bioavailability of high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using renewable resourcesAmodu, Olusola Solomon ; Ojumu, Tunde Victor ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed 
2013Bioavailability of high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using renewable resourcesAmodu, Olusola Solomon ; Ojumu, Tunde Victor ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed 
2013Bioavailability of high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using renewable resourcesAmodu, Olusola Solomon ; Ojumu, Tunde Victor ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed 
2017Biochemical characteristics of a free cyanide and total nitrogen assimilating Fusarium oxysporum EKT01/02 isolated from cyanide contaminated soilAkinpelu, Enoch Akinbiyi ; Adetunji, Adewole Tomiwa ; Ntwampe, Seteno Karabo Obed ; Nchu, Felix ; Mekuto, Lukhanyo